Monday, September 20, 2010

The Black (Wo)Man Did It!!!

As you have all heard, the story of the Vancouver, WA woman, Bethany Storro, who claimed to be the victim of some freak attack with acid. And that is was fake, a hoax, a big bold faced lie. I was watching the coverage of the case on Jane Valez Mitchell's show on HLN and she asked one of the commentators about the detailed description Ms. Storro gave of her attacker. The man brushed it off and went into a rant about the emotional turmoil Ms. Storro must be under and poor her etc. Interesting. Many people do not want to talk about why in this elaborate attention-seeking scheme, she chose to describe a black female who attacked her because she was jealous of her beauty *read whiteness*. Setting the stage for this to be a hate crime. Why? Why has there been no discussion as far as i have seen, of the racial implications of this case specifically?

The first case that I can recall during my lifetime of the convenient black description of a nonexistent perp was in the Susan Smith trial. She has the opportunity to describe any type of carjacker that she wanted, since the person did not exist and she chose a Black man. I'm sure there are more cases but Susan Smith popped into my mind instantly. Why is it acceptable to always pin your faux crime on a Black person and any Black person will do? I just remembered the case of Charles Stuart in Boston who killed his pregnant wife and pointed the finger at a Black man. The case garnered sympathy initially as well as a wide spread round-up of Black men in Boston.

What about our society accepts this perception of Black criminality and that the best way to deflect away from your own guilt in perpetuating the crime is to say 'The Black (Wo)Man Did It!!"?


  1. i love your new blog! i actually didn't hear about this story. so what was she trying to cover up? she just lied for no reason?

  2. Hello pretty lady! Yes. She was all over the news claiming some rogue black woman threw a cup of acid in her face after saying "hey pretty girl. Want to drink this!" Or something very similar. She lied about the whole thing and threw the acid in her own face.
